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Displaying all books by the author Daniel J Harrington

Gospel of Matthew
Matthew wrote his Gospel from his perspective as a Jew. It is with sensitivity to this perspective that Father Harrington undertakes this commentary...
Gospel of Matthew
Matthew wrote his Gospel from his perspective as a Jew. It is with sensitivity to this perspective that Father Harrington undertakes this commentary...
Letter to the Hebrews
When is a letter not a letter? When it is the Letter to the Hebrews. Daniel J. Harrington describes this text as the greatest Christian sermon ever...
First and Second Maccabees
These accounts of the Maccabean revolt, by which the sons of Mattathias reclaimed the temple of Jerusalem, tell an important story of the founding of...
Paperback / softback
El Evangelio de San Mateo
El texto completo de cada libro bíblica se ofrece, con comentario en la misma pagina o en la pagina de enfrente. Ayudas para el repaso y temas de...
Interpreting the Old Testament

Interpreting the Old Testament

A Practical Guide

This introduction to Old Testament exegesis responds to the directives of the Second Vatican Council that instructs biblical interpreters to...
What Are We Hoping For?

What Are We Hoping For?

New Testament Images

Scripture scholar and author, Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, explores fifteen images of hope in each of the following: Matthew's Gospel, Paul's Letter to...
1 Peter, Jude and 2 Peter
Crisis in the church is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the church has always been—and probably always will be—involved in some kind of...
Sacra Pagina
Sacra Pagina
Crisis in the church is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the church has always been - and probably always will be - involved in some kind of crisis....
Sacra Pagina
In The Gospel of Mark Fathers Donahue and Harrington use an approach that can be expressed by two terms currently used in literary criticism:...
The Saint John's Bible