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Displaying all books by the author Donald P Senior

Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
Which came first: a coherent Passion story or the Gospel of Mark? Contemporary biblical scholarship is divided over this issue of how, exactly, the...
Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of John
With this volume on John the Passion series concludes its study of the meaning of Jesus' death in each of the Gospels. But though last, it is...
Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke
The recent resurgence of scholarship on Luke's Gospel is due, in part, to this Gospel's special appeal for an age in which questions of economic...
Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew
The Word of the cross is a living word, crying out for reinterpretation as life takes new shape and expression. Reinterpreting the Gospel was...
Gift of Administration

Gift of Administration

New Testament Foundations for the Vocation of Administrative Service

In his First Letter to the Corinthians Paul cites “administrators” as one of God’s gifts to the Christian community (1 Cor 12:28). But many who serve...
Paperback / softback
1 Peter, Jude and 2 Peter
Crisis in the church is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the church has always been—and probably always will be—involved in some kind of...
Sacra Pagina
Crisis in the church is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the church has always been - and probably always will be - involved in some kind of crisis....
The Saint John's Bible