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Displaying all books by the author Joseph F Kelly

Joseph F Kelly

Joseph F. Kelly, PhD, who chairs the religious studies department at John Carroll University, is also active in the religious education apostolate of the Diocese of Cleveland.
History and Heresy

History and Heresy

How Historical Forces Can Create Doctrinal Conflicts

God is beyond time, but every person is firmly planted in it. History impacts us endlessly, including the ways we understand the church and its...
Origins of Christmas
When was Christmas first celebrated? How did December 25 become the date for the feast? How did the Bible’s “magi from the East” become three kings...
Paperback / softback
Collegeville Church History Time-Line
In this pilgrimage through church history, Joseph Kelly provides a colorful, graphic representation of the events and people of the Roman Catholic...
Who Is Satan?

Who Is Satan?

According To The Scriptures

How does the Bible's teaching on the devil square with psychology and other modern scientific disciplines that seem to have driven Satan into the...
Paperback / softback
Introduction to the New Testament for Catholics
The title of this book may be a bit puzzling 'a Catholic introduction to the New Testament? The New Testament belongs to all Christians, and the...
Author: Joseph F. Kelly
Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church
There have been twenty-one universal gatherings 'ecumenical councils' of the Catholic Church. The first opened in 325, the last closed in 1965, and...
Author: Joseph F. Kelly
Paperback / softback
Responding to Evil
In Responding to Evil Joseph Kelly treats evil as a force in our personal lives. He talks about the impact of September 11 on the American...
Author: Joseph F. Kelly
Paperback / softback
Birth of Jesus According to the Gospels
In his previous book The Origins of Christmas, Joseph F. Kelly answers common questions about the development of Christmas rituals and legends, and...
Author: Joseph F. Kelly
Feast of Christmas
Many Christians struggle to balance the religious and secular elements of Christmas, but the history of the feast shows that this is nothing new. The...
Author: Joseph F. Kelly
The Saint John's Bible