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Displaying all books by the author Little Rock Scripture Study Staff

Four Gospels

Four Gospels

Catholic Personal Study Edition

The more we understand the four gospels 'the distinct narrative and theological emphasis of each evangelist, the unique portrait of Jesus that each...
Paperback / softback
Word of God at Vatican II Study Guide
Did you ever wonder how the Bible became such an essential part of being a Catholic in our Day? Dei Verbum—The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine...
Acts Study Guide
The excitement of Pentecost enlivens the early believers in their struggles to establish communities of faith, struggles surprisingly like those...
Parables Of The Kingdom
(Uses the same commentary as Parables of the Kingdom 'Part One)Order study guide only instead of study set ONLY if you already own the...
Parables Of The Kingdom
(Uses the same commentary as Parables of the Kingdom 'Part One)Order study guide only instead of study set ONLY if you already own the...
DVD video
Parables Of The Kingdom
(Uses the same commentary as Parables of the Kingdom 'Part Two)Order study guide only instead of study set ONLY if you already own the...
Second Corinthians - Study Guide
This study has 7 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 6lessons. The Study Set includes the Study Guide by Little Rock Scripture Study...
Revelation Study Guide
This study has 8 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 7lessons. The Study Set includes the Study Guide by Little Rock Scripture Study...
Acts Study Guide
The excitement of Pentecost enlivens the early believers in their struggles to establish communities of faith, struggles surprisingly like those...
DVD video
Parables Of The Kingdom
(Uses the same commentary as Parables of the Kingdom 'Part Two)Order study guide only instead of study set ONLY if you already own the...
DVD video
Second Corinthians - Study Guide
This study has 7 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 6lessons. The Study Set includes the Study Guide by Little Rock Scripture Study...
DVD video
Revelation Study Guide
This study has 8 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 7lessons. The Study Set includes the Study Guide by Little Rock Scripture Study...
DVD video
Introduction to the Bible - Answer Guide
This study has 7 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 6 lessons. The Study Set includes a Study Guide by Catherine Upchurch and a...
Gospel According to Mark - Answer Guide
The shortest of the four gospels, Mark is the earliest account of Jesus' life. With no mention of Jesus' infancy, Mark begins with Jesus' baptism in...
Paperback / softback
Cartas Paulinas De La Cautividad - Sugerencias Para las Conferencias Finales
En estas cartas de aliento, correcci?n, e instrucci?n escritas desde la prisi?n, Paulo gu?a amorosamente a las j?venes comunidades de Asia y...
Paperback / softback
El Evangelio Seg?n San Lucas—Sugerencias Para Las Conferencias Finales
Al resaltar la compasi?n de Jes?s, las historias de Lucas muestran la naturaleza universal de la misi?n de Jes?s. La atenci?n que San Lucas de a la...
Paperback / softback
Exodo - Sugerencias Para las Conferencias Finales
El ?xodo presenta los conceptos principales del viaje, el pacto, y la redenci?n que han influenciados todos de los pensamientos Jedeo-Christianos. Un...
Paperback / softback
Galatians and Romans - Answer Guide
This study has 14 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 13 lessons. The Study Set includes the Study Guide by Catherine Upchurch...
Paperback / softback
First Corinthians - Answer Guide
This study has 10 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 9 lessons. The Study Set includes the Study Guide by Little Rock Scripture...
Paperback / softback
Hebrews Answer Guide
Only one Answer Guide is needed per small group facilitator.This study has 7 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 6 lessons. The Study...
Paperback / softback
The Saint John's Bible