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Displaying all books by the author William Skudlarek

Third Desert

Third Desert

The Story of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue

Monks and Muslims

Monks and Muslims

Monastic and Shi'a Spirituality in Dialogue

If Christians and Muslims are to live in peace, encouraging one another to grow in holiness and working together for the good of all God's creation,...
Paperback / softback
Monks and Muslims II

Monks and Muslims II

Creating Communities of Friendship

If Christians and Muslims are to live in peace, encouraging one another to grow in holiness and working together for the good of all God's creation,...
Paperback / softback
Welcoming Other Religions

Welcoming Other Religions

A New Dimension of the Christian Faith

The Benedictine monk Pierre-François de Béthune has dedicated his life to following the lead of the great pioneers of interreligious dialogue at the...
Paperback / softback
Thomas Merton’s Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond

Thomas Merton’s Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond

His Interreligious Dialogue, Inter-monastic Exchanges, and Their Legacy

Thomas Merton recognized the value and possibility of contemplative dialogue between monastics and contemplatives of other religious traditions and...
Paperback / softback
The Saint John's Bible