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Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46

Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!

Church at Prayer: Volume II

The Eucharist

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Paperback / softback
ISBN-13: 9780814613641
Number of Pages: 288
Published: 01/01/1986
Product description

The Eucharist is the second book of the newly revised and newly translated four-volume work THE CHURCH AT PRAYER, under the general editorship of A. G. Martimort, honorary dean of the faculty of theology, Toulouse. In it, author Robert Cabié, who succeeded Martimort as professor of liturgy at Toulouse, traces the development of the Eucharistic celebration–from the influence of the Jewish festal meal to the post-Vatican II liturgy we celebrate today.

The Eucharist reflects the latest research available and is of significance not only for the liturgical scholar but for the educated lay reader as well. Robert Cabié offers us the fruits of his knowledge of liturgical history and his experience as a teacher and pastor.

Customer Reviews

Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46

Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!

The Saint John's Bible