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Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46
Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!
Author(s): Barbara E. Reid
The church's cycle of scriptural readings for the liturgy offers believers an opportunity to immerse themselves in the word of God. It is a very real and tangible way of responding to the call of Jesus: Remain in me, as I remain in you."
In Abiding Word, Barbara Reid, OP, takes the Sunday experience to every day with accessible weekly meditations on the Lectionary readings of the year. This collection of articles, which includes Scripture readings for Sundays and solemnities followed by reflections, allows readers to meditate on the connection between the sacred text and their daily lives. Living with the word day by day invites us into a closer relationship with Christ, the God who became flesh.
Barbara Reid is known for her contributions to The Word, a widely read column in America magazine. Abiding Word showcases some of her finest entries.
Barbara E. Reid, general editor of the Wisdom Commentary series, is a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is the president of Catholic Theological Union and the first woman to hold the position. She has been a member of the CTU faculty since 1988 and also served as vice president and academic dean from 2009 to 2018. She holds a PhD in biblical studies from The Catholic University of America and was also president of the Catholic Biblical Association in 2014–2015.
Barbara Reid's lyrical prose and compelling imagery delight the reader. She gracefully uses the best of contemporary and traditional scholarship. Her attention to often obscure references, locales' significance and often misinterpreted phrases open possibilities for understanding that go deeper than a superficial reading. Clearly, Reid is a preacher, and in this book shares insights and scholarship that gift anyone who preaches the Sunday readings. Honora Werner, OP, Director, DMin in Preaching Program, Aquinas Institute of Theology Barbara Reid brings her years of experience as a Dominican religious and professional biblical scholar and teacher to a work that is both inspiring and practical. She will deepen your awareness of what it means to taste and savor God's word in the Sunday lectionary as well as challenge your comfort zone to move into a new perspective and a clearer horizon. With reflective questions as conversation partners for each week's reflection, this book is well suited for both individual prayer and group reflections. Abiding Word is an altogether perfect companion for the baptized assembly gathering for praise and thanksgiving at the Sunday Eucharist. Guerric DeBona, OSB, Professor of Homiletics and Communication, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology