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Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46

Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!

Lift Up Your Hearts

Music for the Order of Mass according to the Third Edition of The Roman Missal


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Paperback / softback
ISBN-13: 9780814634073
Number of Pages: 104
Published: 01/07/2011
Product description

Lift Up Your Hearts: Music for the Order of Mass according to the Third Edition of The Roman Missal contains the revised Order of Mass 'with ICEL chants 'plus ten inspiring new Mass settings.

The Mass settings included in Lift Up Your Hearts offer a wide variety of musical styles for every parish. The accompaniment edition includes a organ/keyboard arrangement of the ICEL chants from the Roman Missal. This accompaniment was composed by Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB, a monk of Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville.

Masses included in Lift Up Your Hearts:
Mass I-The Psallite Mass: At the Tale of the Lord
by The Collegeville Composers Group

Mass II-Missa Iubilate Deo
the Vatican Edition

Mass III-in Honor of Saint Benedict
by Robert LeBlanc

Mass IV-in A Minor
by Frederick W. Strassburger

Mass V-in Honor of Mary, Mother of God
by Donald Krubsack

Mass VI-in Honor of Saint Cloud
by Jay F. Hunstiger

Mass VII-in Honor of Saint Michal
by Kevin Christopher Vogt

Mass VIII-an Austrian Mass
by Michael Haydn, arranged by Anthony Ruff, OSB

Mass IX-in Honor of Saint Cecilia
by David Hurd

Mass X-in Honor of Saint Dominic
by Matthew S. Still

ICEL Chants for the Order of Mass
The ICEL chants from the Roman Missal will be included within the Order of Mass in Lift Up Your Hearts. A keyboard arrangement of the ICEL chants, arranged by Anthony Ruff, OSB, will be included in the accompaniment edition.

In addition to publishing these Mass settings in Lift Up Your Hearts, the settings will be sold individually online as PDF documents for musicians to download and then copy. Several of these settings will also be included in our Mass guide Celebrating the Eucharist and our music resource Sacred Song.

Bulk Pricing (sold in packs of 10 books):
1-5 packs: $29.95 per pack (10 books per pack)
6-20 packs: $19.95 net per pack (10 books per pack)
21 or more packs: $14.95 net per pack (10 books per pack)

Customer Reviews

Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46

Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!

The Saint John's Bible