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Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46

Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!

Dorothy Day

Love in Action


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ISBN-13: 9780814637036
Number of Pages: 144
Published: 14/12/2015
Product description

By any measure, Dorothy Day lived a fascinating life. She was a journalist, activist, single mother, convert, Catholic laywoman, and co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement. A lifelong radical who took the gospels at their word, Dorothy Day lived among the poor as one of them, challenging both church and state to build a better world for all people.

Steeped in prayer, the liturgy, and the spiritual life, she was jailed repeatedly for protesting poverty, injustice, and war. Through it all, she created a sense of community and remained down-to-earth and humanly approachable. To have known Dorothy Day was to have experienced not only her charm and humanity, but the purposefulness of her life.

In Dorothy Day: Love in Action, Patrick Jordan-who knew her personally-conveys some of the hallmarks of Day's fascinating life and the spirit her adventure inspires.

People of God is a series of inspiring biographies for the general reader. Each volume offers a compelling and honest narrative of the life of an important twentieth or twenty-first century Catholic. Some living and some now deceased, each of these women and men has known challenges and weaknesses familiar to most of us but responded to them in ways that call us to our own forms of heroism. Each offers a credible and concrete witness of faith, hope, and love to people of our own day.

Author Information

Patrick Jordan

Patrick Jordan is a former managing editor of The Catholic Worker. He and his wife Kathleen were associated with Dorothy Day from 1968 until her death in 1980. From 1984 to 2012, Jordan was an editor at Commonweal magazine. He is the author of Dorothy Day: Love in Action (Liturgical Press, 2015), editor of Dorothy Day: Writings from Commonweal (Liturgical Press, 2002) and, with Paul Baumann, coeditor of Commonweal Confronts the Century (Touchstone, 1999). He serves on the advisory board of the Dorothy Day Guild.

Product Reviews

"An impressive, compelling, and exceptional life story that is part of the outstanding People of God series." The Midwest Book Review "This book can be recommended to a wide readership. Reader-friendly and inspiring, it would be a good choice for high-school students. It reads quickly enough so that everyone in the parish book club would find time to finish it... In short, it's a wonderful book and a fine addition to this Liturgical Press series of concise and inspiring biographies for the general reader." --Catholic New World

"Patrick's Jordan's book, Dorothy Day: Love in Action is a clear, concise and keenly observed biography of the feisty, saintly and sometimes contradictory social activist Pope Francis praised during his historic speech to Congress... There is no plaster mold for this saint." America "Patrick Jordan's evocation of Dorothy Day is so fresh and vivid that you feel he was in conversation with her just last week, not several decades ago. This book puts the reader in her company, too." -- Paul Elie, author of The Life You Save May Be Your Own

"Jordan writes as one who knew her well, and so the book is able to convey a vivid sense of Day as a person... Instead of offering a chronological narrative, he weaves together his living sense of Day's personality with some of the major themes of her work. The result is illuminating, even for those who already know a lot about Day." -- David Cloutier, Commonweal

"This is a well-told story of an inspiring and controversial life... It is worth reading this book to discover Dorothy Day's depths of spiritual searching and her recognition that if we hope to change the world, we have to being with ourselves. Read Patrick Jordan's account and decide which aspect of this incredible life speaks to you." -- Methodist Recorder

Customer Reviews

Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46

Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!

The Saint John's Bible