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Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46
Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!
Author(s): Patrick Jordan, Kate Hennessy
Patrick Jordan is a former managing editor of The Catholic Worker and of Commonweal magazine. He is the author of Dorothy Day: Love in Action (Liturgical Press, 2015), and the editor of Hold Nothing Back:Writings of Dorothy Day (Liturgical Press, 2016). With Paul Baumann, he edited Commonweal Confronts the Century (Touchstone, 1999).
Dorothy Day is the relentless prophet of justice for our time. In these historic essays, she reminds us that great political action against oppression is driven by religious faith, especially faith that invites us to profound trust, to humble poverty, to doing the smallest of tasks with the greatest of loves. Day's words are charged with anger and discontent just as they are filled with the spark "that would set afire the love of men towards each other and to God." From motherhood to itinerant teacher, she is in the end, our prophet of love-"love to the point of folly"-love that is both childlike and painful, both restless and intimate, always a witness to the gospel without exception and without apology too.Timothy Shriver, Chairman, Special Olympics