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Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46
Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!
Author(s): Patricia Wittberg
Patricia Wittberg is a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati and professor of sociology at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis. She is the author of Building Strong Church Communities: A Sociological Overview and numerous other books and articles.
With clear and concise writing, the author demystifies the complex web of culture and religion that characterizes the American Church and illuminates why the variety of ethnic and generational cultures can create a dissonant and polarized ecclesiastic reality. On that foundation, she offers practical and insightful ways for responding to the dissonance and creating a multicultural harmony and communion. William A. Nordenbrock, CPPS, author of Beyond Accompaniment: Guiding a Fractured Community to Wholeness This is the best book I've seen on multiculturalism and parishes. Wittberg uses real data and demonstrates understanding and insight. She identifies challenges and offers hope by proposing thoughtful and realistic strategies to help parishes. This is a must read for pastors, lay-ministers, seminarians and students who want to appreciate today's multicultural Catholic Church. Rev. Anthony J. Pogorelc, PSS Academic Dean St. Patrick's Seminary Menlo Park, California Finally we have a book a book about parish ministry that doesn't pretend that our parishes have not been radically refigured by immigration, ethnic and racial diversity, and sweeping generational disaffiliation. For too long, parish renewal literature has assumed that cultural and generational differences were only marginal issues in our parishes. Sr. Patricia Wittberg, sociologist and pastoral thinker, rightly identifies these as the central issues of our time. One of the principal strengths of the book is her refusal to underestimate the complexity and challenges of ministry across cultures and generational divides, making use of the sociology of culture to navigate these difficult waters. Another strength is her willingness to look at the ethnic and cultural differences within generational groups. Brett C. Hoover, Assistant Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles Sister Patricia Wittberg's new book is essential reading for those who wish to better serve the People of God, and for all those who wish to continue growing as well informed Catholics. Wittberg brings both a rich history of what each culture has brought to Catholicism in times past as well as a modern day awareness of how efforts can be made to see the Church through many different cultural lenses today. Her insightful research illustrates how we can all evolve from a mere tolerance of our differences to becoming enriched by the beauty that each culture brings to our common heritage of faith. I highly recommend this enlightening work to Catholics of all generations, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds. Stephen Fichter, CARA Research Associate and co-author of Same Call Different Men: The Evolution of The Priesthood since Vatican II An excellent resource for ministry among Catholics in the United States today.Worship