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Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46
Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!
Author(s): Stephen J. Binz, Little Rock Scripture Study staff
Part Two of this study covers the final 25 chapters of Exodus. Beginning with the insecurity of the desert wanderings, to encountering God on Sinai and then constructing the tent of dwelling, God’s people learn what it means to be part of a covenant with the one who liberates and also gives the Law to guide and direct them. 4 lessons.
Stephen J. Binz is a biblical scholar, award-winning author, popular speaker, and pilgrimage guide. He studied Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and Jerusalem and has developed dozens of books and programs in biblical theology and spirituality. A number of his commentaries are the foundation for the following Little Rock Scripture Study offerings: Introduction to the Bible, Panorama of the Old Testament, Panorama of the New Testament, Exodus, and The Infancy Narratives of Jesus. He is also the author of Holy Land Pilgrimage (Liturgical Press). More information about Binz’s work may be found at