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Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46

Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!

Compassionate Christ, Compassionate People

Liturgical Foundations of Christian Spirituality


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Paperback / softback
ISBN-13: 9780814684627
Number of Pages: 256
Published: 25/03/2019
Product description

2020 Association of Catholic Publishers first place award, resources for liturgy

2020 Catholic Press Association first place award, liturgy soft cover

Spirituality is a motion, a responsive movement of heart, mind, and spirit to the life of God moving within us. Starting from his Roman Catholic roots but working ecumenically, Bob Hurd explores this notion of spirituality in two parts. Part 1 places it in the theological framework of Creation-Grace-Incarnation, concluding that its specific form is participation in Christ’s self-emptying love of God, humankind, and creation. Part 2 investigates this kenotic spirituality liturgically, exploring how it comes to expression in the ritual stages of Gathering, Word, Eucharistic Prayer, Communion, and Sending. Comparing and contrasting each stage with corresponding patterns in various Protestant traditions, Hurd lays out the possibility of a spirituality common to Christians of various confessions. 

Author Information

Bob Hurd, Michael Downey

Well known for his liturgical music, Bob Hurd has also served as a teacher and liturgist in various pastoral and academic settings. He currently teaches in Seattle University’s Graduate Program in Theology and Ministry. His widely used liturgical music, published by Oregon Catholic Press, is featured in numerous hymnals in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. His articles have appeared in journals and books, including Worship, Catechumenate, Pastoral Music, The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality,and The Heart of Our Music. Since completing his doctorate under the direction of David Power in 1982, Michael Downey has served as professor of theology and spirituality at universities and seminaries in the United States. His abiding theological commitment to those who are wounded and marginalized has brought him to serve the church most in need through lectures, conferences, and retreats in different parts of the world. From 1997-2011 he served as the Cardinal's Theologian, Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He is currently Diocesan Theologian in San Bernardino, CA.

Product Reviews

"You have enjoyed singing Bob Hurd's liturgical music. Here is your opportunity to enter the fruitful mind of this faithful Christian. You will explore not only the workings of worship, but also the God whom worship encounters. Hurd's book will help you appreciate why his music so powerfully draws you into Christian prayer."Fr. Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri "Deeply grounded in Scripture and demonstrating deft command of insights provided by Karl Rahner and Louis-Marie Chauvet, Bob Hurd's Compassionate Christ, Compassionate People articulates a Christian spirituality, that, nourished by liturgical practice, moves with the spirit of God moving within us. Hurd's account of liturgy ties the love that moves Dante's stars with the love that God summons us to practice in the human village."Timothy Brunk, Associate Professor of Theology, Villanova University "I have read other books on the topic of Eucharist and living a just life by some very fine authors. Bob Hurd's book is outstanding in its category. It is well-written, interesting, organized, clear, ecumenically-focused, theologically-rich, and liturgically-challenging. Hurd offers fresh insights on familiar topics, moving easily from poets, playwrights, theologians, and spiritual writers. His treatment of Louis-Marie Chauvet makes this contemporary theologian comprehensible and accessible to the average reader. Coming from a person who has spent a lifetime composing texts and music for worship, this book is clearly the fruit of study, personal prayer, and liturgical celebrating. I hope to adopt it for a graduate course next semester and encourage professors of liturgy and sacraments to give it a close look. Very highly recommended!"Judith M. Kubicki, CSSF, Associate Professor of Theology, Fordham University "There is much to savor here by those who lead liturgies and those who participate in them. A reverent and insightful evocation of Mystery in liturgy."Spirituality & Practice "This book is recommended for college and seminary libraries." Catholic Library World "Bob Hurd has found a liturgical niche crying out to be exploited and has done so quite effectively in his impressive book debut demonstrating his sophistication both as a theologian and liturgist." Worship "Bob Hurd guides readers through a mediation that incorporates insights from Scripture, systematic theology, liturgy, and the Christian spiritual tradition. Readers with pastoral and academic interests will enjoy engaging this distillation of the author's liturgically formed spirituality. Pastoral musicians and presiders will appreciate Hurd's attention to how music and well-chosen words shape spirituality and tune an assembly's heading to 'the Word in the readings' and 'the Word in the rites.'" Pastoral Liturgy "Compassionate Christ, Compassionate People feels like a magnum opus: a master practitioner's distillation of a rationale of liturgy as spiritual formation developed over a lifetime. For students and practitioners of liturgy, it is a worthy resource." Doxology "Bob Hurd, best known as a liturgical composer, shines in this text as a liturgical scholar. In a thoughtful and clear manner, he presents liturgical celebration as central for the fullest expression of Christian life." Rodica M. M. Stoicoiu, Independent Scholar

Customer Reviews

Wed 19 Apr 2023 @ 23:46

Great conversation about synodality happening now with Kristin Colberg and Ormond Rush!

The Saint John's Bible