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You are viewing:  Christian Books \ Biography/Hagiography

Dorothy Day

Dorothy Day

Love in Action

By any measure, Dorothy Day lived a fascinating life. She was a journalist, activist, single mother, convert, Catholic laywoman, and co-founder of...
Author: Patrick Jordan
Flannery O

Flannery O'Connor

Fiction Fired by Faith

Flannery O'Connor: Fiction Fired by Faith tells the remarkable story of the gifted young woman who set out from her native Georgia to develop her...
Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen

Pilgrim on the Way

Martin Sheen, best known for his role as a Catholic president in the prestigious television series The West Wing, returned to the practice of his...
Author: Rose Pacatte
Paperback / softback
Silence, Solitude, Simplicity

Silence, Solitude, Simplicity

A Hermit's Love Affair with a Noisy, Crowded, and Complicated World

We all need God, Sister Jeremy says in her first sentence, and readers of all sorts will find here a warm and practical address to that need. The...
Paperback / softback
Soul Searching

Soul Searching

The Journey of Thomas Merton

Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton draws us into the geographical landscape of Thomas Merton’s life in America, a landscape that was...
Luis Antonio Tagle

Luis Antonio Tagle

Leading by Listening

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has been called “the Asian Pope Francis,” because of his humility, his connectedness to the lives of everyday Catholics,...
Author: Cindy Wooden
Paperback / softback
Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton

Faithful Visionary

People of God is a brand new series of inspiring biographies for the general reader. Each volume offers a compelling and honest narrative of the life...
Paperback / softback
What, Then, Is Liturgy?

What, Then, Is Liturgy?

Musings and Memoir

Father Anscar Chupungco fondly recalls his first class as a student at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in 1965. Professor Salvatore Marsili...
Paperback / softback
Day by Day with Saint Benedict
Reflecting on years of living the Benedictine life and of scholarly work on the Rule of Saint Benedict, monk and priest Terrence Kardong offers his...
Paperback / softback
Day by Day with Saint Augustine
Before he was a famous saint, Augustine was a notorious sinner. He wandered from the faith and, after a dramatic spiritual transformation in his...
Author: Donald X. Burt
Women in the Old Testament
The women in the Old Testament, too long invisible, have rich stories that are vital to the on-going revelation of God's relationship with a covenant...
Paperback / softback
Women in the New Testament
Much of the history of women, in religion as in other fields, is lost because it was overlooked or considered unimportant. It is therefore surprising...
Paperback / softback


The Medicine of Mercy

People of God is a brand new series of inspiring biographies for the general reader. Each volume offers a compelling and honest narrative of the life...
Paperback / softback
The Saint John's Bible