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You are viewing:  Christian Books \ Theology

Enjoying God
God's beauty is omnipresent, particularly in the Scriptures, in the liturgy, and in human friendship. In Enjoying God's Beauty, Father Navone...
Author: John Navone
Paperback / softback
Toward a Theology of Beauty
Christian theology, based on the historical revelation that God is the Creator of all things, assumes that we can know the truth, love the goodness,...
Author: John Navone
Paperback / softback
Journeys at the Margin

Journeys at the Margin

Toward an Autobiographical Theology in American-Asian Perspective

How does the experience of being an immigrant, an ethnic minority person on the margins of society, affect one's way of doing theology? In Journeys...
Paperback / softback
From the Beginning to Baptism

From the Beginning to Baptism

Scientific and Sacred Stories of Water, Oil, and Fire

In From the Beginning to Baptism, Linda Gibler takes readers on a journey—from the depths of space and the beginning of time through sacred Scripture...


Word Made Flesh

This book means to explore who Jesus was, is, and is to come, and by what series of events this man of Jewish history came to be viewed by millions...
Paperback / softback
In the Name of the Church

In the Name of the Church

Vocation and Authorization of Lay Ecclesial Ministry

In the Name of the Church: Vocation and Authorization in Lay Ecclesial Ministry presents insights generated in the 2011 Collegeville National...
Paperback / softback
Lectio Matters

Lectio Matters

Before the Burning Bush

Lectio divina is a way of praying by sustained immersion into a revelatory text. While Scripture is the classic place of encounter with God, the text...
Paperback / softback


Faith, Church, and the Ascension of Christ

The ascension of Christ is usually taken for granted and often neglected.  Indeed, it represents that forgotten dimension of faith in its reach...
Paperback / softback
The Eucharistic celebration is 'the center of the Christian community,' 'the source and summit of the Christian life,' or further, 'the center and...
Author: Lucien Deiss
Paperback / softback
Theological Reflection

Theological Reflection

The Creation of Spiritual Power in the Information Age

Theological Reflection demonstrates the process of discovery that is at the heart of theological education– learning by reflecting on...
Problems With Atonement

Problems With Atonement

The Origins of, and Controversy about, the Atonement Doctrine

The origins of atonement are found in Paul's writings. Popular Christian theology has understood them to mean that God demanded a bloody victim to...
Author: Stephen Finlan
Paperback / softback
When Other Christians Become Catholic
Each year, many adults who have never been baptized become Catholic. In the United States, these adults are outnumbered by baptized Christians of...
Author: Paul Turner
Paperback / softback
Towards a Truly Catholic Church

Towards a Truly Catholic Church

An Ecclesiology for the Third Millennium

How should we understand church? Is it visible or invisible, one or many, local or universal, hierarchical or congregational in its structure,...
Paperback / softback
Catholicism in the Third Millennium
What is Catholicism? And where is the Catholic Church headed in the third millennium? These two questions provide the structure for Thomas...
Paperback / softback
Gift of Being

Gift of Being

A Theology of Creation

In view of the critical environmental problems confronting the modern world, reflection on the nature and meaning of the world and on humanity?s...
Author: Zachary Hayes
Bible, the Church, and Authority

Bible, the Church, and Authority

The Canon of the Christian Bible in History and Theology

Since the early days of Christianity a tension has existed between the authority of the Bible and the authority of the Church. This has been further...
Sacrament of Reconciliation
2002 Catholic Press Association Award Winner!Although it did not come from Christ in the form it has today, it is clear from Scripture that...
Author: David M. Coffey
Paperback / softback
Petrine Ministry and the Unity of the Church

Petrine Ministry and the Unity of the Church

Toward a Patient and Fraternal Dialogue

In the context of the ecumenical dialogues which have taken place after the Second Vatican Council, few topics have generated as much discussion and...
Sacrament of Baptism
The celebration of the sacrament of baptism underwent a major change in the years after the Second Vatican Council (1962 '65). The Rite of Christian...
Scripture in the Church

Scripture in the Church

The Synod on the Word of God

Who should read the Bible? What is the biblical word? How is Scripture to be interpreted? How is it to be prayed and lived? How does Scripture call...
Paperback / softback
The Saint John's Bible