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Displaying all books by the author Peter C Phan

Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy

Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy

Principles and Guidelines, A Commentary

2006 Catholic Press Association Award Winner!After suffering an eclipse during the post-Vatican II liturgical reform, popular piety has regained its...
Author: Peter C. Phan
Paperback / softback
Journeys at the Margin

Journeys at the Margin

Toward an Autobiographical Theology in American-Asian Perspective

How does the experience of being an immigrant, an ethnic minority person on the margins of society, affect one's way of doing theology? In Journeys...
Paperback / softback
Gift of the Church

Gift of the Church

A Textbook on Ecclesiology

As the Church enters its third millennium, it must take stock of its identity and mission. These essays in The Gift of the Church address the...
Author: Peter C. Phan
The Saint John's Bible