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Displaying all books by the author Various



Ritual de Bendiciones

Author: Various 1
Agenda del ama casa 2015
Lectionary for Mass, Ceremonial Edition
Based on the Pueblo Books LECTIONARY FOR MASS, the Ceremonial Edition is specifically designed for processional use. Its impressive size and...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Ceremonial Edition
Based on the Pueblo Books LECTIONARY FOR MASS, the Ceremonial Edition is specifically designed for processional use. Its impressive size and...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Ceremonial Edition
Based on the Pueblo Books LECTIONARY FOR MASS, the Ceremonial Edition is specifically designed for processional use. Its impressive size and...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Classic Edition
The Classic Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fits a variety of needs.Special...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Chapel Edition
The Chapel Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs.Parishes may use...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Chapel Edition
The Chapel Edition contains all the features of the Classic Edition, but in a new, smaller size.Special features of this edition:easy-to-handle 7 x 9...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Classic Edition
The Classic Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs.Parishes may use...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Classic Edition
The Classic Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs.Parishes may use...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Chapel Edition
The Chapel Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs.Parishes may use...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Chapel Edition
The Chapel Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs.Parishes may use...
Author: Various
Lectionary for Mass, Classic Edition
The Classic Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs.Mandatory use of...
Author: Various
Misal 2015

Misal 2015

Para Todos los domingos y fiestas del ano

La Misa es el centro de la vida cristiana; participe activamente en ella con el Misal 2015 que contiene las Misas de los domingos y fiestas de todo...
Author: Various
Biblia de Jerusalen Bolsillo Modelo
Esta nueva edicion en espanol de la Biblia de Jerusalen condensa el resultado de los ultimos cien anos de investigacion y resulta mas proxima alos...
Author: Various
Ceremonial of Bishops
The reform of liturgical rites ordered by the Second Vatican Council necessitated a revision of the Caeremoniale Episcoporum, published in 1886. The...
Author: Various 1
Book of Blessings
This abridged edition of the Book of Blessings has been prepared for use when blessings are celebrated outside Mass or outside of the church. (Rites...
Author: Various 1
Paperback / softback
Book of Gospels

Book of Gospels

The Saint John?s Bible Edition

As the most visible book to the assembly, The Book of the Gospels symbolizes the presence of Christ in the liturgical celebration while exemplifying...
Author: Various 1
Order of Mass in Nine Languages
"For the body does not consist of one member but of many."1 Cor 12:14Help everyone feel welcome, and ale to actively participate in your parish...
Author: Various
Paperback / softback
Order of Christian Funerals
A handsomely bound, gold-stamped book, the Minister's Edition contains the basic texts for Vigil Services, funeral liturgies, and committal services...
Author: Various 1
The Saint John's Bible