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You are viewing:  Christian Books \ Theology

Place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer

Place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer

Trinity, Christology, and Liturgical Theology

Christology and Trinity in worship was famously explored by Josef A. Jungmann at the beginning of the twentieth century. Many of his assumptions and...
Author: Bryan D. Spinks
From the Beginning to Baptism

From the Beginning to Baptism

Scientific and Sacred Stories of Water, Oil, and Fire

In From the Beginning to Baptism, Linda Gibler takes readers on a journey—from the depths of space and the beginning of time through sacred Scripture...
Primary Readings on the Eucharist
Consisting of out-of-print essays, and hard-to-access readings in biblical studies, Patristics, historical theology, and history of doctrine, Primary...
Author: Thomas Fisch
Paperback / softback
Rites of Christian Initiation

Rites of Christian Initiation

Their Evolution and Interpretation Revised and Expanded Edition

Originally published in 1999, The Rites of Christian Initiation was haled for its clarity and comprehensiveness. Kalian McDonnell, OSB, called it the...
Paperback / softback
Towards a Truly Catholic Church

Towards a Truly Catholic Church

An Ecclesiology for the Third Millennium

How should we understand church? Is it visible or invisible, one or many, local or universal, hierarchical or congregational in its structure,...
Paperback / softback
Catholicism in the Third Millennium
What is Catholicism? And where is the Catholic Church headed in the third millennium? These two questions provide the structure for Thomas...
Paperback / softback
Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church
There have been twenty-one universal gatherings 'ecumenical councils' of the Catholic Church. The first opened in 325, the last closed in 1965, and...
Author: Joseph F. Kelly
Paperback / softback
Gift of Being

Gift of Being

A Theology of Creation

In view of the critical environmental problems confronting the modern world, reflection on the nature and meaning of the world and on humanity?s...
Author: Zachary Hayes
Bible, the Church, and Authority

Bible, the Church, and Authority

The Canon of the Christian Bible in History and Theology

Since the early days of Christianity a tension has existed between the authority of the Bible and the authority of the Church. This has been further...
Living Bread, Saving Cup

Living Bread, Saving Cup

Readings on the Eucharist

The articles on Eucharistic liturgy given here are reprinted from the pages of Worship magazine. This expanded edition of the 1982 printing includes...
Paperback / softback
Toward a Theology of Beauty
Christian theology, based on the historical revelation that God is the Creator of all things, assumes that we can know the truth, love the goodness,...
Author: John Navone
Paperback / softback
Sacrament of Reconciliation
2002 Catholic Press Association Award Winner!Although it did not come from Christ in the form it has today, it is clear from Scripture that...
Author: David M. Coffey
Paperback / softback
Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan

Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan

The Trinitarian and Cosmic Order of Salvation

The feast of the baptism of Jesus is the second most ancient liturgical celebration and is among the major mysteries of Christ. The synoptics mention...
What is Lonergan Up to in "Insight"?
Many consider Bernard Lonergan the outstanding Catholic philosopher of the twentieth century, and his Insight: A Study in Human Understanding (1957)...
Paperback / softback
Community of the Beautiful

Community of the Beautiful

A Theological Aesthetics

2000 Catholic Press Association Award Winner! The claim has been made that we are gripped today in an aesthetic crisis" with considerable theological...
Does God Need the Church?

Does God Need the Church?

Toward a Theology of the People of God

Are not all religions equally close to and equally far from God? Why, then, the Church? Gerhard Lohfink poses these questions with scholarly...
Paperback / softback
Petrine Ministry and the Unity of the Church

Petrine Ministry and the Unity of the Church

Toward a Patient and Fraternal Dialogue

In the context of the ecumenical dialogues which have taken place after the Second Vatican Council, few topics have generated as much discussion and...
Tradition of Catholic Prayer
Catholics have a rich and ancient prayer tradition that informs contemporary practice. People gather every morning for private devotions or...
Paperback / softback


Word Made Flesh

This book means to explore who Jesus was, is, and is to come, and by what series of events this man of Jewish history came to be viewed by millions...
Paperback / softback
Prayer in the Cave of the Heart

Prayer in the Cave of the Heart

The Universal Call to Contemplation

Prayer is an art that cannot just be taught. It must be experienced, lived, and practiced. In Prayer in the Cave of the Heart, Cyprian Consiglio...
Paperback / softback
The Saint John's Bible