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You are viewing:  Christian Books \ Theology

Journeys at the Margin

Journeys at the Margin

Toward an Autobiographical Theology in American-Asian Perspective

How does the experience of being an immigrant, an ethnic minority person on the margins of society, affect one's way of doing theology? In Journeys...
Paperback / softback
Enjoying God
God's beauty is omnipresent, particularly in the Scriptures, in the liturgy, and in human friendship. In Enjoying God's Beauty, Father Navone...
Author: John Navone
Paperback / softback
Community of the Beautiful

Community of the Beautiful

A Theological Aesthetics

2000 Catholic Press Association Award Winner! The claim has been made that we are gripped today in an aesthetic crisis" with considerable theological...
Does God Need the Church?

Does God Need the Church?

Toward a Theology of the People of God

Are not all religions equally close to and equally far from God? Why, then, the Church? Gerhard Lohfink poses these questions with scholarly...
Paperback / softback
Petrine Ministry and the Unity of the Church

Petrine Ministry and the Unity of the Church

Toward a Patient and Fraternal Dialogue

In the context of the ecumenical dialogues which have taken place after the Second Vatican Council, few topics have generated as much discussion and...
The Saint John's Bible