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You are viewing:  Christian Books \ Theology

Church at Prayer: Volume I

Church at Prayer: Volume I

Principles of the Liturgy

Principles of the Liturgy is the first book of the newly revised and newly translated work THE CHURCH AT PRAYER, under the general editorship of A....
Paperback / softback
God as Communion

God as Communion

John Zizioulas, Elizabeth Johnson, and the Retrieval of the Symbol of the Triune God

God as Communion explores ancient and new meanings of the symbol of God as Trinity and brings the Christian traditions of West and East into...
Author: Patricia A. Fox
Paperback / softback
Church at Prayer: Volume IV

Church at Prayer: Volume IV

The Liturgy and Time

The history of liturgical celebration seen through the annual change of seasons and the Church's liturgical calendar.
Paperback / softback
Church at Prayer: Volume III
With The Sacraments, the task of publishing a new revision and new translation of A. G. Martimort’s monumental L'Église en Prière (1965) is...
Paperback / softback


The Word of God at the Mercy of the Body

Why, from its very beginnings, has the Church celebrated the sacraments, in particular baptism and Eucharist? Why, from its origin, has faith in...
Paperback / softback


Insights from the Mystics

Though trinitarian theology has enjoyed a resurgence of interest in the last few years, there is a lamentable lacuna in much of this study, a gap...
Author: Anne Hunt
Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church
There have been twenty-one universal gatherings 'ecumenical councils' of the Catholic Church. The first opened in 325, the last closed in 1965, and...
Author: Joseph F. Kelly
Paperback / softback
Sacramental Theology
Both resistance to and renewed interest in the sacraments mark current theological thought. This work acknowledges human limitations of the...
Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan

Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan

The Trinitarian and Cosmic Order of Salvation

The feast of the baptism of Jesus is the second most ancient liturgical celebration and is among the major mysteries of Christ. The synoptics mention...
Does God Need the Church?

Does God Need the Church?

Toward a Theology of the People of God

Are not all religions equally close to and equally far from God? Why, then, the Church? Gerhard Lohfink poses these questions with scholarly...
Paperback / softback
Tradition of Catholic Prayer
Catholics have a rich and ancient prayer tradition that informs contemporary practice. People gather every morning for private devotions or...
Paperback / softback
Culture, Inculturation, and Theologians
The split between the Gospel and culture is without doubt the drama of our time," wrote Paul VI in 1975. Since that time there has been an...
Church of Churches

Church of Churches

The Ecclesiology of Communion

Vatican II revolved around the word communion; yet, few works have been devoted to a revival of the entire Vision of the Church around communion....
Efficacious Engagement

Efficacious Engagement

Sacramental Participation in the Trinitarian Mystery

The long-standing tradition of baptizing infants suggests that the sacraments plunge our bodies into salvation, so the revelation of God's love in...
Paperback / softback
No Irrelevant Jesus

No Irrelevant Jesus

On Jesus and the Church Today

Is Jesus relevant for today? If you think not, don’t bother with this book. But if you think that Jesus might have something to say to today’s world,...
Author: Gerhard Lohfink
The Saint John's Bible