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You are viewing:  Christian Books \ Theology

Journeys at the Margin

Journeys at the Margin

Toward an Autobiographical Theology in American-Asian Perspective

How does the experience of being an immigrant, an ethnic minority person on the margins of society, affect one's way of doing theology? In Journeys...
Paperback / softback
Enjoying God
God's beauty is omnipresent, particularly in the Scriptures, in the liturgy, and in human friendship. In Enjoying God's Beauty, Father Navone...
Author: John Navone
Paperback / softback
From the Beginning to Baptism

From the Beginning to Baptism

Scientific and Sacred Stories of Water, Oil, and Fire

In From the Beginning to Baptism, Linda Gibler takes readers on a journey—from the depths of space and the beginning of time through sacred Scripture...
Toward a Theology of Beauty
Christian theology, based on the historical revelation that God is the Creator of all things, assumes that we can know the truth, love the goodness,...
Author: John Navone
Paperback / softback


Word Made Flesh

This book means to explore who Jesus was, is, and is to come, and by what series of events this man of Jewish history came to be viewed by millions...
Paperback / softback
In the Name of the Church

In the Name of the Church

Vocation and Authorization of Lay Ecclesial Ministry

In the Name of the Church: Vocation and Authorization in Lay Ecclesial Ministry presents insights generated in the 2011 Collegeville National...
Paperback / softback
Lectio Matters

Lectio Matters

Before the Burning Bush

Lectio divina is a way of praying by sustained immersion into a revelatory text. While Scripture is the classic place of encounter with God, the text...
Paperback / softback


Faith, Church, and the Ascension of Christ

The ascension of Christ is usually taken for granted and often neglected.  Indeed, it represents that forgotten dimension of faith in its reach...
Paperback / softback
The Saint John's Bible